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   Co-operatives Advantages  

  • The greatest advantage the co-ops enjoy is their understanding on the needs of the local community on account of their being member based organizations with strong linkages with the community and civil society at large.


  • Co-operatives are democratically controlled organizations controlled by the elected representatives who do have the potential to leverage the political considerations and build good relationship with the governments in promoting the interests of the co-operative institutions.


  • The core objective of serving the needs of the co-operative community injects the desired spirits and sense of belongingness among the members and inspires them to be competitive to survive and progress.


  • Co-operatives when fully owned and controlled by members acquire enough flexibility in controlling the costs on account of the value based management practices soaked with the modest aspirations of the members


  • Enlightened membership and committed leadership coupled with knowledgeable and experienced professionals/managers can position the co-operatives at enviable position in the market


  • Cooperative values and their ethical business practices address the issue of corporate social responsibility and if publicized well could add value to the co-op brand image attributing to an assured success of the co-operative enterprise in any form of economic system.


  • Co-operative solidarity factor if capitalized in trade promotion could swiftly connect the business from local to global level.


  • Classic federal character of cooperative institutions is a vital aspect in bringing effective governance thereby removing market imperfections.