General Profile
NFCF was first formed in 1962 in order to protect the rights of forest owners and cooperative members and to promote sustainable forestry practices to help Korean economy. Since its inception NFCF has accomplished the feat of reforesting severely denuded mountains in the country within the shortest possible time period in the history of world’s reforestation. Without 2 million dedicated cooperative members and citizens such feat would not have been possible. NFCF has also grown with forest owners and managers through various programmes and projects such as forest management extension programmes, forest resource base building projects, marketing both major and minor forest products, building logging roads and infrastructure for sustainable forest management, banking and financing services, and overseas forestry development projects.
Facing ever increasing globally competitive market environment, NFCF with a vision of creating new values out of forests will make best efforts to play a main role for the development of forestry in Korea. NFCF will also play a role to increase the quality of life for the people and to create new values of forested mountain regions where most of forest dependent communities are located.