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ICA member, 1 Cooperative Insurance System of the Philippines Life and General Insurance (1CISP), will organise its 50th General Assembly (GA) in April 2024 with the theme, “Leading with Purpose; Securing Lives”.


Congratulating them, our Regional Director, Mr. Balasubramanian Iyer said that “the significant milestone is a testament to 1CISP’s enduring commitment and resilience in promoting cooperatives, exemplifying dedication to cooperative principles, and empowering their communities.”


He noted that ICA is proud to have 1CISP as its member whose active participation and engagement with the international community underscores the important role that 1CISP plays in driving forward the cooperative movement, both in the Philippines and beyond. The chosen theme for the 50th GA is apt and profoundly important for cooperatives. In a world grappling with numerous challenges, the cooperative model stands out as a beacon of hope and resilience. It is needed to focus on securing lives through purpose-driven leadership that resonates deeply with our core objectives to serve and uplift communities. He commended 1CISP for its unwavering commitment to leading with purpose.


He stated “As we reflect on your 50 years of remarkable achievements, it is also a time to look ahead. In these times of uncertainty, the spirit of cooperativism - prioritizing the welfare and security of members and the broader community - will serve as a guiding light, showing us the way towards a more secure and sustainable future for all.”