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The Asia Pacific Cooperative Youth Summit (APCYS 4.0) will be held in Sabah, Malaysia from 27 to 30 July and focus on “Cooperation for Sustainable Lifestyles”.


APCYS 4.0 will provide a platform for youth to come together and hear about inspiring youth-led sustainable practices and ventures, experience hands-on cooperative activities, share cooperative business ideas, and enjoy the spirit of different cultures and youth cooperativism.  The summit will:


  • Call upon the youth in the region to come together and act consciously to practice and promote sustainable lifestyles, while embracing the values of cooperation and the cooperative enterprises that places community first through concern for the environment.
  • Explore how a newer generation of pragmatic and environmentally conscious youth can be better engaged within the cooperative movement, through cooperative values and principles.
  • Hear from youth, the new and sustainable enterprise ideas on cooperatives that cater to the needs and aspirations of the youth in their country, through Coop Pitch Competition


The Youth Summit and Coop Pitch Competition registrations will open soon. Stay tuned!