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Theme: Cooperatives in the Social and Services Sector


The International Cooperative Alliance Asia and Pacific (ICA-AP) is delighted to announce the call for submissions for the seventh edition of COOP Dialogue, focusing on the role of Cooperatives in the Social and Services Sector. This issue aims to explore the contributions of social and services cooperatives to sustainable development, social equity, and economic resilience.


Social and services cooperatives play a crucial role in fostering sustainable development and promoting social equity by providing essential services and enhancing local economies. COOP Dialogue 7 seeks to examine the impact of these cooperatives on community development and social inclusion, analyse the legal frameworks and governance models that support or hinder their growth, and explore innovative practices that enhance their sustainability and effectiveness. This edition aims to identify the key challenges faced by social and services cooperatives, document success stories, and assess their role in addressing crises and integrating tools for improved efficiency.


We welcome submissions on the following topics, among others:


  • Impact: Evaluating the social, economic, and environmental impacts of social and service cooperatives.
  • Policy and Governance: Analysing the enabling policies and governance models that support or hinder the growth of cooperatives.
  • Innovative Practices: Showcasing innovative approaches and best practices in the management and operation of cooperatives.
  • Challenges and Opportunities: Identifying the key challenges faced by social and services cooperatives and exploring potential solutions.
  • Case Studies: Documenting success stories and lessons learned from cooperatives in the Asia-Pacific region.


The seventh edition of COOP Dialogue will be released in November 2024 and the office invites articles, research papers, opinions, case studies, stories, and short video stories on the selected theme from anyone interested in cooperatives, labour, social and the services sectors from the Asia and Pacific region. You may use this platform to publicise your work, enhance your visibility, and communicate your best practices and views with diverse stakeholders.

  Submission Guidelines


Submission of Interest and Abstract: Please submit a 300-word abstract by 15 July 2024.


Complete Written Material: Submit your complete articles (1,500 to 2,500 words excluding references) along with pictures in .jpg/ .jpeg/ .png formats (size between 500 Kb and 5 Mb) by 30 August 2024. Articles can also include graphics, images, and graphs for illustration purposes and hyperlinks to additional information, documents, or videos.  
  • Complete Videos: Submit videos of 3-5 minutes (in .mp4 format, max size 500 Mb) by 30 August 2024.
  • Language: English
  • Format: Word file only
  • Originality: Authors are encouraged to submit original articles to avoid copyright issues.


For any queries, please contact the COOP Dialogue team at