At the 112th session of the International Labour Conference (ILC), the issue of decent work in the care economy was discussed. The cooperative movement was represented by the International Organisation of Industrial and Service Cooperatives (CICOPA) where its Secretary General, Ms. Diana Dovgan, addressed the meeting to highlight the role of cooperatives in the care sector. She emphasized the importance of co-ops in providing quality work to caregivers in a sector often characterized by precarious working conditions and ensuring affordable, uninterrupted care for disadvantaged individuals. CICOPA is also urging governments to form partnerships with cooperatives to enhance care services.
The ILO’s Gender, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Branch (GEDI) and Cooperative, Social and Solidarity Economy Unit (COOP/SSE) are collaborating on a cross-regional, multi-country programme focused on Cooperative Care Provision as a Gender Transformative Decent Work Solution. This programme aims to enhance care provision through cooperatives and other social and solidarity entities, starting with pilot initiatives. The ILO is working with constituents, the cooperative movement, and other partners to support the role of cooperatives in the care sector through technical assistance, research, and quality data collection. In June 2024, as part of this initiative, the ILO launched country briefs for including Colombia , Lebanon , the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) and Zimbabwe.