Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi launched a series of transformative initiatives aimed at bolstering the cooperative sector during an event organised by the Ministry of Cooperation, Government of India. The event, held at Bharat Mandapam in Delhi, witnessed the unveiling of pioneering projects and strategic measures envisioned to foster prosperity through cooperation (Sahakar Se Samriddhi).
Prime Minister Modi inaugurated the pilot project of the 'World's Largest Grain Storage Plant in Cooperative Sector,' spanning 11 Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) across 11 states. This ground-breaking initiative aims to integrate PACS godowns with the food grain supply chain, enhancing food security and promoting economic development. Supported by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) and spearheaded by the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC), the project underscores the government's commitment to modernize the agricultural sector.
Highlighting the significance of agricultural infrastructure, PM Modi laid the foundation stone for an additional 500 PACS across the country. Emphasizing the importance of warehouses and other agricultural infrastructure, this expansion initiative is poised to encourage the agricultural landscape and empower farmers nationwide.
In a significant stride towards digital empowerment, the Prime Minister inaugurated a project for computerization in 18,000 PACS nationwide. With a financial outlay exceeding Rs 2,500 crore, this project aims to transition functional PACS onto a unified Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) based national software. The ERP software, developed by NABARD, promises seamless integration and connectivity, enhancing operational efficiency and governance of PACS.
Mr. Amit Shah, Union Minister for Home and Cooperation, applauded the Prime Minister’s vision and leadership in transforming the cooperative sector through the establishment of a dedicated Ministry of Cooperation reflecting the Government's impetus to address long-standing concerns of the cooperative movement and foster inclusive growth and national development through cooperatives. Union Cabinet ministers including Mr. Piyush Goyal, the Union minister for Commerce & Industry, Food & Public Distribution, Mr. Arjun Munda, the Union Minister for Agriculture and Mr. B.L. Verma, the Union minister for Cooperation and Development of North East region attended the event.
The event was attended by ICA-AP staff, veteran cooperators, representatives of international development agencies, ministers, registrars’ of cooperatives and other officials from States across India. It marked a significant milestone in India's cooperative sector, unveiling ambitious initiatives. With a focus on modernization, digital transformation, and inclusive development, these initiatives are poised to revolutionize the agricultural landscape and empower millions of small and marginal farmers across the country.