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Latest News at ICA-AP

        The ICA Committee on Consumer Cooperation for Asia and the Pacific (ICA-AP Consumer Committee) together with ICA-AP Committee on Youth Cooperation (ICYC) and Committee on Forestry organized the webinar “What we can do for Forest” on 18 May. About 80...
        We released the second issue of COOP Dialogue on ‘Future Proofing Cooperatives in Asia and Pacific through Innovations’ on 13 May 2022.   It covers interesting and diverse examples from the Asia and Pacific region of what cooperatives are doing to...
  The Australian Government is turning to the cooperative and mutuals sector to help improve the quality and diversity of services provided to older Australians, people living with disability and veterans. It has allocated AU$6.9m in the 2022/23 budget to...
    INKUR Federation, ICA member in Indonesia, is leading the cooperative engagement in  G20 this year. It organised a side event titled ‘Strengthening the Role of Cooperatives in achieving the targets of SDGs and Economic Democracy’ under the framework of...
    Ms. Ana Aguirre won the Youth Presidency elections for the ICA Youth Committee that took place from April 11 to 16. She will represent the committee and global youth network for the next 4 years.   Coming from the Basque Country in Northern Spain, Ms....
    The ‘ICA-AP Malaysia Business Office (MBO) collaborated with ICA Africa to organize the Cooperative Identity Webinar on ‘Enabling Environment for Youth to Own Their Economic Future’ on 2 June. The webinar aimed to make members aware of existing and...
    The Ministry of Economy (MoEc), United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the International Cooperatives Alliance (ICA) through its Asia and Pacific Regional Office have signed a cooperation agreement to develop and strengthen the cooperative sector in the country...
The Ministry of Economy, UAE and the International Cooperatives Alliance (ICA) through its Asia and Pacific Regional Office sign a cooperation agreement to develop and strengthen the cooperative sector in the country.   This is a translated version of the...
