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On 4 July 2022, Japan Co-operative Alliance (JCA) and Cooperatives in Japan jointly celebrated the 100th International Day of Cooperatives (IDC) in a hybrid mode in Tokyo. It aimed at exploring the Cooperative Identity and how cooperatives can value and reflect the identity in their businesses and activities through the best practices of Japanese Cooperatives in various fields. 179 cooperative officials and members, academicians, and media representatives attended in-person, while 273 people participated online. 


Mr. Toru Nakaya, President, JCA gave opening remarks followed by a video message from ICA President, Mr. Ariel Guarco. Mr. Fumio Kishida, Prime Minister of Japan also gave a video message commemorating the occasion.



Mr. Kenki MAEDA, General Manager, Department for Cooperation among Cooperatives of JCA, screened a short movie and gave a presentation to deepen participants’ understanding of the Cooperative Identity and the current situation of the Japanese cooperative movement.


This was followed by three cooperative officials reporting on their businesses and activities showcasing the Cooperative Identity.



Mr. Hirotada Watanabe, President and Representative Director of JA (Japanese Agricultural Co-operative) Ochiimabari talked about its mobile stores, which sold food and daily necessities in areas with shopping difficulties such as remote islands. By doing so, it supports the everyday lives of people living in those areas. He also explained collaboration activities with a fishery cooperative and holding food festivals together. JA Ochiimabari also collaborates with a post office of Imabari City to revitalize their communities and with a mobile company to reduce food waste.  


Ms. Hisako Nakagawa, Executive Director, Co-op Kobe, which is a primary consumer coop in the Hyogo prefecture, Japan, presented an overview and the history of Co-op Kobe illustrating how it has contributed to the everyday lives of people and communities. Co-op Kobe started the “my shopping bag” campaign and encouraged consumers not to use single-use plastic bags in the late 1970s. It also contributed to the establishment of the Act on Support for Reconstructing Livelihoods of Disaster Victims after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake by collecting signatures from 2.9 million people.


Ms. Rion Seto, Director, Keyakinomori, Sendai Local Welfare Center of Central Workers' Cooperative presented "Co-operative identity- confirming our origin and seeking its realization." She reported how and why she had started "Minna no BASE (Our Base), "which provided a place for children, especially for those who had difficulties going to school and staying home alone. It values its member and employees and takes care of them both mentally and physically. Thus, it provides mentoring programs and puts the effects into human resource development.




After these reports, there was a panel discussion moderated by Mr. Masahiro Higa, Representative Senior Managing Director of JCA who had interesting questions for the panelists related to Cooperative Identity. Participants too exchanged their thoughts on the event and their views on the Cooperative Identity.


Mr. Toshio Tsuchiya, President, JCCU and Vice President, JCA concluded the event with his closing remarks.