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Leaders from Asia Pacific present a joint vision in the role of co-operatives in pursuit of the SDGs


Ministers, high ranking diplomats, national government officials and co-operators from 25 countries came together to participate at the 10th Asia Pacific Co-operative Ministers’ Conference from April 18 to 21, 2017 at Melia Hotel, Hanoi, Vietnam. The theme of the conference was, “Visioning Ahead to 2030: Promoting Stronger Partnerships between Government and Co-operative Stakeholders in realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”  The Participants adopted the Draft Hanoi Asia Pacific Co-operative Minister's Resolution on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships in Realizing the SDGs that calls on co-operatives in the Asia Pacific region to:


  1. Pledge to achieving the SDGs and report their progress at Co-ops for 2030 ( - campaign for cooperatives to learn more about the SDGs,
    commit to pledges to contribute to achieving the SDGs and report their progress.    
  2. High level Political Forum – many countries in the Asia Pacific region have signed on to, “conduct regular and inclusive reviews of progress at the national and sub-national levels, which are country-led and country-driven.” Co-operatives will engage with stakeholders to reference work of cooperatives in helping achieve the SDGs.  
  3. Devise instruments on care and social economy and strengthen linkages among cooperatives
  4. Undertake evidence based research, and
  5. Better serve the national co-operative movements in various geographical areas such as ASEAN and East Asia, Middle East and Central Asia, the Pacific Islands, and SAARC.


The Hanoi resolution is a document in the making and was adopted in principle (and in draft) by the conference participants on 20 April 2017 and expects the ICA Asia and Pacific to report on the progress of implementation of action-steps during the ICA General Assembly in November 2017 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  The ICA-AP solicits comments and suggestions on the resolution. Feel free to write to with your comments to be considered. The Resolution will be adopted in its complete version on the 2017 – International Day of Co-operatives.


The drafting committee comprised of Drs. Robby Tulus (former ICA-AP), Dr. Nandini Azad (ICNW- India), Mr. Suresh Pradhan (Ministry of Co-operatives and Poverty Alleviation, Nepal), Mr. P. Santosh Kumar (ICA-AP), Ms. Heira Hardiyanti (Researcher – Indonesia) and Ms. Nguyet Minh (VCA).


Click here for Background Paper and Draft Declaration-APCMC.