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12th ICA - AP Regional Cooperative Research Conference 2017 

Cooperatives: The key solution for Social Innovation

Sungkonghoe University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, November 11-12, 2017



The 12th International Cooperative Alliance - Asia and Pacific Regional Cooperative Research Conference will be held in Seoul, Republic of Korea, from November 11 to 12, 2017. The Department of Management of Cooperatives at the Graduate School in Sungkonghoe University, will host the conference. We welcome proposals from students, researchers, practitioners and activists.


Conference Theme


The theme of the 12th ICA-AP Research Conference is, Cooperatives: The key solution for Social Innovation. The term ‘innovation’ has mostly been used in the science, technology and business field. However, given the environmental, political, and social crisis affecting countries around the world, there is a need to look at solutions that are not addressed by the market and by conventional forms of entrepreneurship. There is a role to be played by social economy actors, in particular, cooperatives in the area of social innovation. There is a need for active collaboration in public, private and civil sector sphere to address social challenges. The conference is to share innovative perspectives that co-operatives bring in solving social problems at the local, national and global levels.


The governance, the principles and the social effect of cooperatives go hand-in-hand with the aim of social innovation. Co-ops meet social needs that are not fulfilled by the markets through collective engagement. The collective thinking and democratic decision-making process let members participate voluntarily in problem-solving.  This brings the inner and external innovation, which actually impacts the social change in progress. Therefore, it is imperative to examine co-operatives as leading social innovators.


We welcome researchers, policy makers, practitioners, students, social enterprise and social economy sectors to share their experiences in any issue related to social innovation and co-operatives. The practical knowledge would set another stage for the debate between theoretical and practical field.


Call for Papers and Session Proposals

Papers are welcome in theory, policy, and practice related to co-operatives and social innovation. The conference will address, but is not limited to, the following research areas:

·         S1. Co-operative and Social Innovation for Community Development

·         S2. Co-operative and Social Innovation in Economy

·         S3. Co-operative and Social Innovation in Education

·         S4. Co-operative and Social Innovation in Entrepreneurship

·         S5. Co-operative and Social Innovation in Finance

·         S6. Co-operative and Social Innovation in Sustainable Energy and Environment

·         S7. Co-operative and Social Innovation in Culture and Art

·         S8. Co-operative and Social Innovation in Fund Raising

·         S9. Co-operative and Social Innovation in Housing

·         S10. Co-operative and Social Innovation in Information and Digital Technology 

·         S11. Co-operative and Social Innovation in Health and Social Care

·         S12. Co-operative and Social Innovation in Food

·         S13. Co-operative and Social Innovation in Media

·         S14. Other topics of your choice about cooperatives


Instructions for submissions

We invite students, researchers, practitioners and activists to submit abstracts addressing one of the above areas relating to co-operatives in the social innovation field.


Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words which state the objective of the work, methodology and the advancement over previous work. The abstracts should be submitted in the following format:   


            - Title of paper

            - Name(s) and affiliations of Authors

            - Main theme/ objective of the paper

            - Methodological and/or Conceptual approach

            - Bibliography, Keywords and Contact details for corresponding author(s).


Poster proposals may also be sent, especially by young researchers, postgraduate and doctoral students.

All abstracts should be submitted to Mr. Ashok Kumar Taneja, Secretary, ICA-AP Research Committee at with “Word” or “PDF” format. The e-mail subject area should indicate ICA-AP2017; given name and family name of the corresponding author; paper/poster proposal; conference theme number. (Example: ICA-AP2017_First name_Last name_Paper_S9)


Session proposals

If you propose to organize a session, at least 4 papers on a common theme must be included. Session proposals should also be sent to the above address. They should include a description of the theme to be addressed and the names and paper titles from all presenters. Abstracts must be submitted for each presentation. In this case, abstracts should again be submitted to the above address, this time indicating ICA-AP2017; given name and family name of the corresponding author; Session Paper; Session Title.
(Example: ICA-AP2017_First name_Last name_Session Paper_“Proposed theme”)




We are happy to announce that the Emerging Scholars Program (ESP) will be an important part of the conference.

Dr. Mauritz Bonow Young Researcher Award - The ICA-AP Research Committee is happy to announce that 2 best paper awards (US $ 500 and 300 respectively to 1st and 2nd ) would be given to young researchers (researchers not over 35  years of age), presenting their papers in the conference.

Dr. Mauritz Bonow, President of ICA (1962-1975) was a strong advocate of co-operatives and was responsible for the development of Co-operative Movement throughout the world and particularly in developing countries. Dr. Bonow was a strong advocate of education and believed that the strength of the cooperative movement depended on the existence of a vast and enlightened membership. He urged training institutions, colleges and universities have co-operative training programs, and called on them to award undergraduate degrees, postgraduate degrees and doctorates. He felt these students would later play important roles in the enlightenment of the average cooperative worker, making them better co-operators and agents for transforming society.

The Dr. Mauritz Bonow Young Researcher Award is a joint initiative of the ICA-AP and the ICA Domus Trust. The ICA Asia-Pacific (ICA-AP) regional office was established in New Delhi in 1960 to provide a voice and forum for knowledge, expertise and coordinated action for and about co-operatives in the region. The ICA Domus Trust was set up in recognition of the valuable contributions made by Dr. Mauritz Bonow.


Official Language

The official language of the conference is English. If you have difficulty presenting in English, you may arrange to have someone help you during your presentation or rely on a more visual driven presentation.


Important Dates

10th August 2017 - Abstract submission of papers, posters and proposed sessions. Abstracts received after this date will not be considered.


28th July - 25th August 2017 - Abstracts will be selected for presentation through a blind review process.           


28th August 2017 - Authors will be notified of the selection of abstract and instruction for presentation.    


13th October 2017 - Deadline to send full papers or presentations to be presented and discussed during the conference.


The papers should not exceed 7,000 words, be typed in Times New Roman font, size 12, double line spaced and be complete with notes and references, citations and bibliography following APA6.


20th October 2017 - Final date for registration – Registration Form will be sent by the Secretariat.


10th November 2017 –  Meeting of the Asia Pacific Co-operative Research Partnership


11th November 2017 - Conference


12th November 2017 – Cooperatives visits in Seoul




All paper presenters will be provided with lunch and mid-session tea during the seminar.

The cost of travel, accommodation, and any other incidental expenses will have to be met by the participants themselves.


Major Contact Point


Mr. Ashok Kumar Taneja, Secretary, ICA-AP Committee on Cooperative Research,

International Co-operative Alliance-Asia and Pacific, 9, Aradhana Enclave (Ring Road),

R.K. Puram, Sector-13, New Delhi-110066, India.

Tel:   +91-11-26888250 Ext. 108; Fax:  +91-11-26888067 ; Mobile: +91-9810781244

E-mail:;      Web:;  Skype:   icaap_taneja         


Principal Conference Organising Committee


Seungkwon Jang, Sungkonghoe University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Sang-Youn Lee, Sungkonghoe University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Sangsun Park, Sungkonghoe University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Woosuk Choi, Sungkonghoe University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Sanghoon Lee, Sungkonghoe University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Yoonkyu Park, Sungkonghoe University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Hyungmi Kim  , iCOOP Co-operative Institute, Seoul, Republic of Korea




Sungkonghoe University, iCOOP Co-operative Institute, Korean Society for Cooperative Studies, Seoul Coop Support Center.


Registration and Information about Seoul, Korea


There is no registration fee for attending the Research Conference. Authors and participants will be provided further information regarding the accommodation, venue, transportation, etc. in due course of time. If you have any questions, please contact to or