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ICA-AP will hold its 16th Regional Assembly in the Philippines from 6 to 10 November.



The Philippines is hosting the Regional Assembly after two decades under the aegis of the Philippines Cooperative Movement. The Regional Assembly will comprise of the 11th Asia-Pacific Cooperative Forum, Regional Board Meeting, various events organized by the Regional Sectoral and Thematic Committees, and the statutory meeting of the Regional Assembly.



The theme for the 16th Regional Assembly, 11th Cooperative Forum and related events is, “Cooperatives: Our Common Agenda.” In September 2015, world leaders adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which set out the road map for a future of shared prosperity and environmental sustainability. Today, the global challenges faced by the world including the Covid-19 pandemic, wars, worsening economic conditions, and irreparable effects of climate change are posing a threat to the fulfilment of the 2030 Agenda to advance global development. To strengthen global governance for present and future generations, the UN Secretary-General has come up with recommendations to advance the common agenda and to respond to these challenges.  The Our Common Agenda report looks ahead to the next 25 years and represents the Secretary-General’s vision for the future of global cooperation.



Cooperatives, with their human-centric model, concern for community, and cooperatives values and principles, have proven time and again that a better world is possible with cooperation. Having a common agenda and working collaboratively towards it will only strengthen the cooperatives’ mission. Through the Cooperative Forum and some of the committee events, ICA-AP will deliberate upon key opportunities and challenges to build a common agenda for cooperatives and chalk out concrete and achievable action points.



Stay tuned for more information!
