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The ICA-AP Committee on Cooperative Research (CCR) will organize the 18th ICA Asia Pacific Research Conference on ‘Cooperatives in the Next Industrial Revolution’ in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIM-K) and Uralungal Labour Contract Co-operative Society (ULCCS) Ltd. in Kozhikode, Kerala, India from 15-18 October 2024.


The Conference aims to explore the role of cooperatives in shaping the future of work amidst the ongoing technological advancements and industrial transformations. In an era marked by automation, digitalization, and globalization, cooperatives emerge as a resilient and sustainable alternative, fostering democratic workplaces, equitable distribution of wealth, and community empowerment. This conference will provide a platform for scholars, practitioners, policymakers, entrepreneurs and activists to exchange insights, share best practices, and chart a collective path forward for cooperatives in the evolving landscape of the Next Industrial Revolution.


The ICA-AP CCR is inviting abstract submissions from researchers interested in presenting their papers at the conference until 14 July 2024. All details are available here


Dr. Mauritz Bonow Young Researchers Award

The ICA-AP CCR will bestow two meritorious papers with Dr. Mauritz Bonow Young Researcher Award (US$ 500 and US$ 300) to researchers not over 35 years of age, who present their papers at the conference. The award was instituted in 2016 in the memory of Dr. Mauritz Bonow, the former President of the International Cooperative Alliance (1962 – 1975). He was a strong advocate of education and believed that the strength of the cooperative movement depended on the existence of a vast and enlightened membership.


Young & Emerging Scholars (YES) Workshop

During the conference, a dedicated workshop will be organized for young scholars and early career researchers to cultivate and enhance interdisciplinary collaboration. The ICA-AP CCR and the working group on Cooperatives from the Young Scholar Initiative (YSI), Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) present a unique opportunity to convene researchers within the cooperative sector, offering a platform to exchange resources and foster connections for future collaborations. The workshop will be an opportunity for these scholars to present their research in a friendly environment and be provided constructive feedback and support from senior academic researchers in the field. All details are available here.