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The theme of the 2017 International Day of Co-operatives was ‘Inclusion.’ Below is a report of celebrations from some of our members.  


The National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI) organized a symposium on the theme, ‘Co-operatives ensure no-one is left behind’ which was attended by a large number of co-operators as well as young people. The chief guest, Mr. Harvinder Kalyan, Chairman of the Haryana State Co-operative Supply & Marketing Federation Limited called upon the youth to play an active role in cooperatives and encouraged them to to show their entrepreneurial capabilities by starting small-scale co-operative ventures.  Apart from the symposium, NCUI also organized a Children’s Painting contest. Children in the age group of 6-15 years were invited to paint on any of the following themes - agriculture, farming, nature, people, and families. The pictures will be sent to IE-NOHIKARI Association of Japan for the ‘25th annual world children’s picture contest’.




National Cooperative Union of India




iCOOP KOREA, organized/ took part in a series of events starting on June 20 and culminating on July 2. On June 20, they held a forum on ‘Diagnosis of the Business Environment and Future Strategy of the Korean Consumer Co-operatives in the Low Growth Era.’ From June 30 to July 2, they took part in a Co-operative Fair 2017 co-hosted by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance and the Small and Medium Business Administration in KINTEX, Ilsan. Mr. KIM Dongyeon, the Deputy prime minister for economic affairs speaking at the opening said, “The government will strive to improve the financial support system providing the fund for only co-operatives, and to actively purchase co-operative products in the public sector.” To fulfill the message of the 2017 IDC, iCOOP KOREA initiated the ‘Seed Research Support Project for Research on Social Economy’ to support researchers of small co-operatives and social economy organizations who usually find it difficult to get resources. iCOOP brought together members to exchange the ideas on ‘inclusion.’  More information can be found at:$ckattempt=1 





iCOOP Korea         




     Cooperative Union of Kyrgyzstan



The Co-operative Union of Kyrgyzstan organised a special event to observe the day in the Issyk-Kul Lake region where a number of their members are located. It was also to honour the international delegation (Afghanistan, India, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey) attending the Forum organized by ICA-AP in Bishkek. Women and men in traditional dresses gathered in the open and sang songs and played instruments. The Vietnam Co-operative Alliance (VCA) translated the special message of the ICA and sent it to the central and provincial media outlets and to relevant organizations to propagate the day. VCA and its 63 Provincial Co-operative Alliances organized meetings and hung banners to commemorate the day.