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The Korean Federation of Community Credit Coops (KFCCC) organized the second training on the Korean Saemaul Geumgo development model for a group of 10 former and current officers from Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in Myanmar.  This model has achieved sound growth on the basis of sustainable financial development by highlighting savings and by stressing the self-help cooperative principle. The workshop took place over 11 days from 22th May to 1st June. It consisted of lectures on co-operative principles, savings, loans, government’s role in the Saemaul Geumgo Movement, etc. The participants visited Southern Cheonan Saemaul Geumgo and Daesung Saemaul Geumgo, to observe Saemaul Geumgo's development and operation on site. In addition, the participants took part in discussions about what they needed to do for the implementation and promotion of the Saemaul Geumgo Movement.


The participants who successfully completed the workshop, now plan to start lectures at the Myanmar Saemaul Undong Academy in Yangon, in order to teach village leaders about what they learned from this program. KFCC plans to support the establishment and operation of Saemaul Geumgo in Myanmar through 10 pilot townships. They hope that their continuous efforts will become seeds of hope and create big and sustainable changes.