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Apr 27, 2009

rd Training course on “Enhancement of Farmers’ Income and Poverty Reduction Through Cooperatives” was organized by ICA-AP, at India, Iran and Japan between 07 December 2008 and 18 April 2009, with a focus on the strengthening of farm guidance method, joint collection, marketing, safety and improvement of quality of farm products. The training programme was implemented by the ICA-AP with the collaboration of IFFCO/FMDI, Gurgaon, Institute of Rural Management (IRMA), Anand (Gujarat), India, IDACA, Tokyo (Japan) and ICA’s member-organizations in India, Iran and Japan.

The course was formally inaugurated by Mr. D.K. Bhatt, Dy. Managing Director-cum-Marketing Director, IFFCO, on 09 January 2009 at the IFFCO’s Fertiliser Marketing Development Institute [FMDI], Gurgaon. Mr. Shil-Kwan Lee, ICA Regional Director (Asia-Pacific), Mr. H. Sakata, First Secretary in the Embassy of Japan, Mr. T. Tanaka Manager, IDACA, Tokyo, Mr. Bhagwati Prasad, Chief Executive of National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI), and Mr. A.K. Taneja, Project Coordinator, ICA-AP, addressed the participants.

Dr. R.N. Kundu, Deputy General Manager (Trg), FMDI, welcomed the participants, while Dr. D. Bhattacharya, General Manager (PA&HRD), IFFCO, proposed a vote of thanks.

There were 12 participants from Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal and Vietnam. The participants moved to the Institute of Rural Management (IRMA), Anand, on 23 January and attended the IRMA segment of the course until 22 February 2009.

The comparative field study visits in Iran took place during 26 February - 04 March 2009, and then the Part-III of the programme was held at IDACA, Tokyo (Japan) from 5 March-18 April 2009.

After completing the IDACA part of the training programme, the participants left Japan on 18 April 2009 for their home countries.