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‘Co-op Mic’ is ICA-AP’s newest initiative to use the power of a public forum for deliberating and discussing issues relating to co-operatives. It is platform where we invite experts, entrepreneurs and friends of the cooperative movement, to share their experiences, ideas and thoughts on mainstreaming cooperatives within the development discourse.


Our first speaker was Dr. Gopi Ghosh who spoke on the topic of ‘Cooperatives in India and their potential in the 21st century. The first instalment of Co-op mic was immensely successful with a large online audience watching the live streaming of the talk. You can watch the video for the event here.


The second ‘Co-op Mic’ will be held on 14th August’17 with Ms. Ishita Chaudhary. Ms. Chaudhary is an Ashoka Fellow and INK Fellow, and the Founder and Managing Trustee of The YP Foundation in India, a youth-led and – run non-profit organization that fosters youth leadership and civic participation. The Foundation focuses on building feminist leadership with young women and girls from underserved and marginalized communities and in advancing their health and rights. Ishita served as TYPF's Founding Executive Director from 2002 to 2015. She will be speaking on the burning issue of ‘Youth and the achievement of the SDGs’.


We hope you can log into our Facebook page  and watch the talk live on 14th August’17 at 4:00 pm IST.