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The ICA Asia and Pacific will organize the COOP YOUTH SUMMIT 2016 in Bali, Indonesia from 19-25 September 2016 in collaboration with the Kubu Gunung Credit Union, Bali, Indonesia on the theme – Youth, Co-operatives and the Power of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. This experimental event will combine Action to experience outdoor activities such as rafting, canoeing, hiking, and cycling and Reflection to imbibe the real life situation vis-a-vis co-operative values to understand the Co-operative model better and consider it as a superior enterprise model wherein youth can practice economic democracy and social justice. Issues such as decent work and self employment for youth; technology and entrepreneurship for co-operatives in the 21st century; and the contribution of co-operatives in achieving the SDGs will be addressed.

The COOP YOUTH SUMMIT will also feature the CO-OP PITCH; a competition for youth to share their ideas on value based ethical enterprises to address their communities’ socio-economic and cultural needs and aspirations. Youth, representatives and employees of co-operatives and university/campus co-operatives are open to register for the event. Private stakeholders and public authorities who want to partner with youth and co-operatives are also invited. All registered participants can avail accommodation (twin sharing), food (duration of the Summit) and touristic activities against the payment of the registration fee of USD 150/-. Queries can be sent to Click here for the Registration form.