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The Business Council of Cooperatives and Mutuals (BCCM), and ICA member in Australia is celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2023. It was formed in 2013 after the United Nations International Year of Cooperatives. This milestone provides an opportunity to reflect on how BCCM has evolved as a peak body and as a movement built on the principles of cooperation – the original social businesses.



Over the last decade, BCCM has brought together member-owned businesses from different industries to advocate for their unique business structures and work to improve the business environment for cooperatives and mutuals(C&Ms).



Some of the key achievements of BCCM include securing enabling legislation to access vital capital, developing education and cooperative development programs to meet the needs of the sector and facilitating the development of sector-wide governance principles, a climate policy and the Mutual Value Measurement Framework to measure and express mutual value. Their efforts and the benefits of their model have been noticed by the government, which has tasked the BCCM with significant cooperative development projects in agriculture and social care.



To celebrate 10 years of cooperation, BCCM has launched a campaign wherein they will share a story of impact and value from C&M sector every month.



Read more about the campaign here

Watch BCCM CEO, Melina Morrison's campaign video on YouTube