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The ICA-AP Research Committee invites paper proposals for

the 11th ICA-AP Research Conference to be held on 15th November 2015 at Hotel Ashoka, New Delhi.





Sustainable Development has been in the centre-stage of most academic and policy debates world over in the present decade.  The discourse on sustainable development has gathered new momentum ever since the UNO put in place its ambitious plan of “Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” now familiar as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  SDGs are a set of 17 goals which UN hopes to achieve through committed and purposive policies and programs by all its member countries.  Sustainable development is both an umbrella concept involving a host of processes and outcomes as well as a relative concept signifying a move towards a more eco-friendly and people friendly development agenda.  It is, therefore, obvious that SDGs necessitate the involvement of various institutional structures, both government and non government. 


Cooperatives are seen to be one such institutions that have the potential to realize sustainable development goals.  The ICA Blueprint for the Co-operative Decade has held that “by placing human need at the centre co-operatives respond to today’s crises of sustainability and deliver a distinctive form of shareholder value”.  Further, as an endorsement of SDGs, the International Co-operative Alliance has chosen the theme “Cooperatives: The power to act for a sustainable future” for 2016 International Co-operative Day.  It is, therefore, pertinent to examine the role of cooperatives in facilitating sustainable development. 


MAIN THEME: The main theme of the conference is Cooperatives and Sustainable Development.  In the backdrop of the above developments, the conference explores the potential of co-operatives to facilitate sustainable development.  Theoretical analysis, strategies and practices of co-operatives, case studies and any other form of academic inquiry related to co-operatives and sustainable development, are welcome.  


SUB THEMES: While the conference is open to accept presentations on any issue related to the main theme, the specific goals that are relevant to cooperatives constitute sub-themes.  The paper proposals may, therefore, be related to what cooperatives can do/ are doing to - 


1. End poverty in all its forms;

2. Achieve gender equality;  

3. Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth;                

4. Reduce inequality within and among countries;

5. End hunger, achieve food security and promote sustainable agriculture;

6. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns;

7. Combat climate change and its impacts;


ABSTRACTS:  Researchers interested to present their papers in the conference, need to submit an Abstract of not more than 600 words that should broadly include the research question,  methodology, likely contribution to the field of knowledge and some relevant literature. All abstracts should reach Mr. Ashok Kumar Taneja, Secretary, ICA-AP Research Committee at on or before 30th June, 2016.



  1. Abstracts received after this date will not be considered;
  2. Abstracts will be selected for presentation through a blind review process;
  3. Authors would be notified of the selection of abstract in late July 2016.
  4. Authors should send the soft copy of their full papers by 15th October 2016;
  5. The papers should not exceed 7000 words, be typed in Times New Roman font, size 12, double line spaced and be complete with notes and references, citations and bibliography following APA6.
  6. Paper presenters should send their presentation (PowerPoint files) on or before 25th October 2016;
  7. Authors should bring with them 20 printed copies of their papers for distribution during the presentation.
  8. All paper presenters will be provided with lunch and mid-session tea during the seminar;
  9. The cost of Travel, Accommodation, and any other incidental expenses will have to be met by the participants themselves
  10. The decision of organizers is final in all matters. 


REGISTRATION:  There is no registration fee for researchers, whose papers are accepted for presentation in the conference, for attending the Research Conference.  Others can participate in the conference only if they are registered for the Regional Assembly by paying the designated registration fee. 


BEST PAPER AWARD FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS The ICA-AP Research Committee is happy to announce that 3 best paper awards (US $ 500, 300 and 150 respectively to 1st, 2nd and 3rd) would be given to young researchers (researchers not over 35  years of age), presenting their papers in the conference.  


CONTACT: Mr. Ashok Kumar Taneja, Secretary, ICA-AP Research Committee, ICA-AP Office, New Delhi