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We are pleased to announce the launch of our very own twitter chat called 'Coops Speak'. The main objective behind launching this platform is to bring together well-known names from the global co-operative movement, and give an opportunity to members and supporters of co-operatives to pose relevant questions to the speakers. Our first speaker is going to be Ms. Melina Morrison, CEO of Business Council of Co-operatves and Mutuals (BCCM). Ms. Morrison is a well-known name working towards advocating for co-operatives in Australia. She will be speaking on 3 topics-



*Platform cooperatives- A platform cooperative, or platform co-op, is a cooperatively-owned, democratically-governed business that uses a protocol, website or mobile app to facilitate the sale of goods and services. Platform cooperatives are an alternative to venture capital funded platforms insofar as they are owned and governed by those who depend on them most—workers, users, and other relevant stakeholders. For e.g.


*Parliamentarians network- The Parliamentary Friends of Mutuals and Co-operatives (an initiative of BCCM) was officially announced in early 2017. It will provide a forum for Members and Senators to meet and interact with mutual and co-operatives organisations on matters relating to mutuals and co-operatives.


*Cooperatives (in Australia) and SDGs- Co-operatives are poised to play a very important role in the implementation of the SDGs globally.


We would love to have you and your colleagues participate at the Twitter chat. All you need to have is a twitter handle and a decent internet connection If you need help setting up a Twitter account, please click on this link-->