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ICA-AP Committee on Cooperative Research (CCR) conducted COOP Colloquium 3.0 on 29 June to build upon its series of academic dialogues on issues that are relevant to cooperative education and research. The third iteration of the COOP Colloquium was held in collaboration with IKOPIN University on the theme, ‘Rebuilding a resilient global society through cooperative identity.’ Over 35 participants from 6 countries joined the online webinar.


Mr. Mohit Dave, Secretary, ICA-AP CCR moderated the webinar. He shared that on July 2, cooperatives all around the world will celebrate the 100th International Day of Cooperatives (#CoopsDay). A decade on from the UN International Year of Cooperatives, which showcased the unique contribution of cooperatives to making the world a better place, this year’s #CoopsDay slogan --“Cooperatives Build a Better World”-- echoes the theme of the International Year. Dr. Yashvantha Dongre, Chairperson, ICA-AP CCR welcomed the participants. He said the experience of cooperative scholarship across the Asia and Pacific region is rich and diverse, and ICA-AP CCR would like to bring these together in COOP Colloquium to share, inform and learn. The cooperative values and principles call for an open, voluntary, and democratic process of decision-making. In an increasingly regulated, complex, and interdependent global economy, where market pressures are high, a current reference to the basic tenets of cooperative identity is required.



Dr. Hj. Yuanita Indriani, Vice Chancellor for Research and Cooperation, The Indonesian Cooperative Management Institute (IKOPIN) University made a presentation on the University’s history and its aim to further deepen the understanding and appreciation of cooperatives to promote the sector’s significant contributions to national development. She spoke about its work as a leading institute in the country dedicated to cooperative education, training and research engagements. IKOPIN University is a higher education institution that aims to create development cadres who have knowledge and skills in the field of cooperative and small business management. It is the Centre of Excellence in the development of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia. IKOPIN, established in Jatinangor, was inaugurated by Suharto, the Second President of the Republic of Indonesia on July 12, 1984. On January 18, 2022 the Indonesian Cooperative Management Institute transformed into the Indonesian Cooperative University. IKOPIN University fully supports the implementation of quality-oriented and competency-based education, which is in accordance with current career needs.


Prof. Mohammad Fahreza, Chief of the 16th ICA Asia-Pacific Research Conference Organising Committee discussed the conference to be held in Bandung from the 15-17 December 2022 at IKOPIN University. The conference is organized by ICA-AP CCR and IKOPIN University to bring together academics and researchers on cooperatives in the Asia-Pacific region. On the first day of the conference, a dedicated workshop will be organized for young scholars and early career researchers to cultivate and enhance interdisciplinary collaboration.

The moderators thanked the presenters and hoped it will inspire the viewers to go back to the core of the cooperative education and research framework. This colloquium was a starting point to these discussions, bringing together cooperative advocates, practitioners and youth from the Asia and Pacific region who are committed to infusing meaning, relevance, enthusiasm, and promising returns in the formal education space for cooperatives. It gave an opportunity for the cooperative movement to reflect on its role in the crisis and in rebuilding a resilient global society. As cooperatives innovate in their sectors of activity and their typologies, the colloquium series will gather leading thoughts from around the region and across sectors to reflect on our strategies and practices to continue building a better world.