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Image source: Indian Cooperative


The Ministry of Cooperation, Government of India is in the process of formulating a National Cooperation Policy. The concerned stakeholders are engaging in consultations to offer suggestions to the government. On such committee of nine experts – including Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, Lok Satta, Mr. Rama Reddy, Cooperative Development Foundation (Sahavikasa), Mr. Balasubramanian lyer, ICA-AP, Prof. Shambu Prasad, IRMA, Mrs. Mira Chatterjee, SEWA Federation, Mr. CS Reddy, APMAS, Mr. Santanu Mohanty, Coop Expert, Mrs. Ramalakshmi, APMAS, and Mr. Vivekanandan, SIFFS – have held several rounds of discussion to formulate their ideas of the new cooperative policy. They have come up with ten suggestions for the consideration of the govt. appointed committee headed by Mr. Suresh Prabhu, an Indian politician, India's Sherpa to the G7.


The suggestions for the policy document include the need for a wider stakeholder consultations & inclusive process for policy development, focus on the Statement of Cooperative Identity, center’s engagement with state bodies, promotion of all forms of cooperatives including FPOs and others, promotion of cooperatives in services & industry sectors, measures for enabling ecosystem, a focus on clear targets and business goals of the cooperatives.Read more.