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The first cooperative in Mongolia was established 100 years ago, on 02 November 1921, by the decree of the Bogd Khan under the name “People’s Mutual Aid Cooperative” with 116 members. Shortly after the victory of the People's Revolution, the leaders of that time initiated and found this cooperative as there was a need and the newly formed government also supported the cooperatives. This movement, united by wealth, labor, and desire made a significant contribution to the employment of many people and increased social labor productivity at that time. 


Today, a total of 4,468 cooperatives with 234,633 members, incorporating MNT 49.6 billion, are making a significant contribution to the socio-economic development in Mongolia. 


To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the cooperative movement, the Mongolian National Cooperative Alliance (MNCA) and the National Association of Mongolian Agricultural Cooperatives (NAMAC), organized many events with the Ministry of Agriculture and Light Industry to promote the cooperatives’ contribution to the country’s development. One of the key highlights of this celebration was the adoption of the newly revised law on cooperatives by the Parliament of Mongolia. The significant changes in the law will strengthen the governance of the cooperatives, protect the property of the cooperatives, and clarify the state's participation in the development of the cooperatives. The cooperators believe that the adoption of this law will help to improve the legal environment for further development of the Mongolian cooperative movement. 


The Prime Minister of Mongolia, L.Oyun-Erdene, in the 7th National Forum of  Cooperatives, organized as part of the 100th-anniversary celebrations, congratulated the cooperatives and appreciated their role in the country's development. He announced that the Government of Mongolia has decided to launch the “New Cooperatives” Campaign in 2022 to enrich a new model for modern development.