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Broadly speaking, the cooperative sector, represented by cooperatives and its members, is nothing more than a third sector parallel to public and private sectors in the economic system besides being an integral part of the social and solidarity economy which is highly significant in the comprehensive sustainable development process, in particular.


The cooperative sector represents a social and solidarity economy system based on universal principles and borderless values endorsed by all International Cooperatives Alliance-(ICA) member states including Jordan to serve individuals and nations equally.


Due to the significant role of cooperatives in human societies, the leading states in cooperative areas have realized the need to integrate into a single crucible to manage and synergize the efforts of the cooperative movement at the global level. Consequently, the International Cooperatives Alliance (ICA), one of the oldest NGOs and globally represented was established in 1895 in terms of the number of its members.


In its foundational phase, the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) approved seven principles that cooperatives subscribe to voluntary and open membership; democratic member control; member economic participation; autonomy and independence; education, training and information; cooperation among cooperatives; concern for the community to be the compass of the cooperative movement towards growth and development, and a beacon to enlighten its way to achieving the desired goals and aspirations to be an independent, prosperous and self-reliant movement.


In accordance with such international data, Jordan early recognized the importance of cooperative work in local communities especially in rural areas by inspiration and simulation to be a pioneer in the Arab region, as Jordan issued the first cooperative legislation in 1952 according to which the Department of Cooperative Construction was established within the Ministry of Construction and Development at that time, followed by the establishment of the first saving and credit cooperative society in the Southern Ghor District in Karak Governorate named “Ghor Al-Mazra’a and Haditha Society for Savings and Credit” in 1953.


Since the inception of cooperative work locally in the early fifties of the last century, the Jordanian cooperative movement received continuous Royal support. Crowned by warmth and popular support, the Hashemite leadership spared no effort over and over to support the cooperative sector over decades at all levels in alignment with The Economic Modernization Vision sponsored by His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein as a priority on systemizing the cooperative societies and agricultural unions.


On the other hand, the Vision coincided with the government's launch of the Public Sector Development Plan in terms of developing the cooperative sector which has adopted the restructuring of the Jordanian Co-operative Corporation in a way that guarantees improving its efficiency and strengthening its role in supporting the Vision to increase the contribution of cooperatives to local development in line with the slogan of the International Cooperatives Alliance this year (Cooperative for Sustainable Development) besides the development of agricultural and other economic activities, not to mention the expansion of its work and the trend towards creating a financial fund which opens a window to provide financing for 1500 cooperatives including 133,000 members distributed in various Jordan governorates.


The Royal greatest care and continuous follow-up being dedicated by His Majesty encompassing various issues at all levels to cooperatives for being an integral part of the development process system is fundamental evidence towards the launch of the Royal Initiative in order to activate and develop the role of cooperative societies in the Jordanian Badia regions. The Royal initiative support has had a positive impact on cooperative beneficiaries, members and the local community through projects implemented at socio-economic levels.


It is worth emphasizing the Royal Initiative's significance in supporting the cooperative sector and cooperatives throughout the reform efforts undertaken by Jordan Co-operative Corporation to promote this vital sector in order to effectively strengthen the position of the cooperative movement in Jordanian society, especially under this invaluable Royal Initiative and the government road map for plans and programs related to Modernization at the administrative and economic levels.


Likewise, support for cooperatives does not end with the contribution to promote the cooperative sector in Jordan as the Ministry of Agriculture, represented by HE Minister Eng. Khaled Al-Hanifat, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Jordanian Co-operative Corporation spares no effort in providing support for agricultural cooperative societies for their important role in strengthening the food security system, as well as guidance to establish qualitative cooperative societies including cooperative membership with competitive advantage in each region or governorate to maximizing the added value of agricultural products by providing the necessary support for the qualitative cooperatives - under establishment - at all technical and advisory levels, facilitating contact with donors by taking the fullest possible advantage in enhancing their activities and work, as well as working to cut the costs of requirements in direct contact with agricultural cooperative societies.


In line with the guidelines aiming at creating an effective and prominent cooperative sector on socio-economic level, the Jordanian Co-operative Corporation has worked to match the outcomes of the National Strategy for the Jordanian Cooperative Movement (2021-2025) and its Executive Plan starting with new legislations by adapting the Economic Modernization Vision and the Public Sector Development Program towards establishing a cooperative development fund to provide grants and loans for cooperatives and reviving the Cooperative Development Institute as a nucleus for academic qualification in the field of cooperation.


Jordan joined cooperators this year worldwide celebrating the 101st International Day of Cooperatives (#CoopsDay) on 1 July 2023. Under the theme 'Cooperatives for sustainable development', this annual celebration recognized the significant contribution and substantial role of cooperatives to the global economy in building a more sustainable future on socio-economic and environmental levels in various regions and sectors in a way that guarantees community protection, domestic resources boost up, call for social responsibility and sustainable long term practices.


Consequently, the cooperative sector is a major driver of the socio-economic system and one of the leading instruments for sustainable development of its outstanding contributions in investment, agricultural projects, manufacturing industries, housing, tourism, environment, etc. Likewise, it plays a vital role in addressing poverty and unemployment by creating job opportunities in Jordanian society, participating in achieving socio-economic development for people and nations, increasing competitiveness,        promoting scale economies, upholding cooperative education, training and democracy values, strengthening food security, and paying a good consideration for the society as an incubator for cooperatives.


To cherish the global commemoration, the Jordanian Co- operative    Corporation confirms its commitment with its all might to promote the cooperative sector taking into account all requirements and priorities drawn by the Royal Vision and the Public Sector Development Plan to engage positively through the Cooperative National Strategy to find an independent, prosperous and self-reliant cooperative movement that would boost Jordan to rise to the ranks of developed countries and match with the counterparts worldwide.


One never overlooks the role of cooperatives and their contribution to the local development process regardless of the cooperative movement's limited impact on Jordan's Gross National Product GNP considering how widespread it is across the country in Jordanian Badia, villages and cities, besides the involvement of different age groups and the desire of youth and women to establish their own cooperative projects to increase economic share and the guarantee of fair distribution of the gains achieved.


A Sustainable Jordan will be a strong contributor to a better world for the future by pursuing sustainability principles for economic growth and quality of life compatible with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to achieve no poverty, zero hunger, good health and wellbeing, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumptions and production, and climate action to ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. In line with the SDGs and empowering the Jordanian women's role at the national level, the involvement of females in nationwide cooperative activities has steadily expanded, considering cooperatives as one of the financial resources available to empower women economically and socially.


Currently, we witness the presence of 79 women’s cooperative societies in various governorates including 3,570 women members. Meanwhile, Jordanian youth of both genders are joining cooperatives by establishing cooperative societies and projects out of their belief that cooperative work has the power to change the course of their lives by creating new opportunities and limiting unemployment and poverty rates considering the efficient role of cooperatives directly contributing to the well-being of humankind economically and socially.


By Mr. Abdel Fattah Al-Shalabi, Director General, Jordan Co-operative Corporation