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The 3rd training course on Fostering Leaders to Reinforce Business Development of Agricultural Cooperative was held from 17 July to 06 August, 2016 at IDACA in Tokyo, Japan. Six participants from 4 countries, India, Philippines, Mongolia and Malaysia attended the course. Organizing farmers and strengthening marketing activities of agricultural co-operatives and farmer’s organizations is essential for ensuring sound development of agriculture and activation of the rural economy. The 21 days training covered improvement of agricultural business such as production, quality control and marketing; credit practices; and better living. The training methodology included class room lectures, visits to cooperatives and meetings/interactions with cooperative officials and farmers. Among the things the participants found useful were the lectures on re-distribution system of vegetable & fruits in Japan; marketing and purchasing business of agricultural co-operatives; functioning of wholesale market and visits to JA Shizuoka Welfare Federation's medical facilities and JA Shizuoka Economic Federation's facilities such as fertilizer Plant, pearl rice plant and tea production. The participants prepared their action plan for implementation in their respective cooperatives based on the lectures and visits. The IDACA-ICA team will organize a follow-up visit to assess the implementation of action plans. The training course is implemented by ICA, based on an agreement among ICA, Central Union of Agricultural Co-operatives of Japan (JA ZENCHU), Institute for the Development of Agricultural Co-operation in Asia (IDACA) and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan. The closing ceremony was graced by Mr. Toshiyuki Shinada, Deputy Director, International Cooperation Division of MAF and included Mr. Masahiro Konno, Executive Director of IDACA and Ms. Savitri Singh, course coordinator from ICA-AP. A Certificate of Participation was awarded to each participant at the concluding session held at IDACA.