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In a globalized society, “Supply Chains” are spread worldwide and involve a complex web of locations and people.  While it is believed to be effective for economic development, the negative issues relate to oppressive labor conditions, child labor, and environmental damage.  The seminar on, “Sustainable Supply Chain Management,” was focused on transparency and respect which seeks greater equity among stakeholders in an environmentally sustainable way.    


Mr Devagiri Nihal, LEED Project Manager ILO Country Office for Sri Lanka and the Maldives made a presentation on, “The Labour Problem in Sri Lanka and Introduction of LEED PROJECT.” The LEED Project was started in 2011, to support the post-war recovery efforts and to bridge the North and South of the country. The LEED project focuses on connecting agriculture co-operatives (paddy, fruits and vegetables and fishery) in the North with retailers in the South and enabling assured sourcing and steady income stream for the producers. In 2016, the project has connected 5,000 fruits and vegetables producer households with 8 exporters and grossed US$2 million in total turnover. More information on the LEED project can be found at:


Mr Siva Devireddy, CEO of Gocoop, gave a lecture on “Sustainable Supply Chain – experience of Gocoop.” India is one of the major handmade textiles producing nation in the world and has over 24,000 small scale producer co-operatives/artisan groups.  To reach customers, most of these co-ops/groups go through layers of middlemen; as a result the producers earn a pittance while the same is sold to consumers at 3-5 times the initial price. Gocoop founded in 2011, directly connects the co-operatives and artisans with consumers and bulk buyers through an online platform. The aim is to ensure sound supply chain by reducing the middlemen, ensuring stable income to producers, and bringing a range of products to the consumers at a fair price. More information on Gocoop can be found at