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The Regional Assembly elected a new board of committed leaders from across the Asia-Pacific region.  The leadership consists of Mr. Li Chunsheng, Vice President, All China Federation of Supply & Marketing Co-operatives, China as Chairperson; Dr. Chandra Pal Singh Yadav, President, National Cooperative Union of India, India and Ms. Chitose Arai, Vice President, Japanese Consumers’ Cooperative Union, Japan, as Vice Chairpersons.  The other members of the Board are Mr. H.A.M. Nurdin Halid, President, DEKOPIN (the Indonesia Co-operative Council), Indonesia; Mr. Alireza Gharagozlou, Vice President of Economic and International Affairs, Iran Chamber of Commerce, Iran; Mr. Byeong Won Kim, Chairman, National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, Korea; Dato Hj. Abdul Fattah Hj. Abdullah, President, Malaysian National Cooperative Movement (ANGKASA), Malaysia; Mr. Keshav Prasad Badal, Chairman, National Cooperative Federation of Nepal; Mr. Adolfo A. Ibanez, Chairman, National Confederation of Cooperatives, Philippines; Mr. Kwek Kok Kwong, Chairman, Singapore National Cooperative Federation, Singapore; and Mr. W. Lalith A. Peiris, President, National Cooperative Council of Sri Lanka.  The co-opted members on the Board are Dr. Sukesh Zamwar (from Buldana Urban Cooperative Credit Society), Chairperson, ICA-AP Committee on Youth and Ms. Masako Shimbo (from JCCU), Chairperson, ICA-AP Committee on Women.