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“Fostering Core Leaders of Agricultural Co-operatives-2014”




2nd Training course on “Fostering Core Leaders of Agricultural Co-operatives-2014” was organized by ICA-AP, in Thailand and Japan between 25 February  and 04th April 2015. The overall objective of the training program was to assist fostering of the core leaders, who are expected to play the leading roles in agricultural cooperatives and farmers’ groups that will contribute to the improvement of agricultural production and income of the farmers in the LDCs of Mekong River countries and  South Asian Countries.  The training program was implemented by the ICA-AP with the collaboration of Co-operative League of Thailand (CLT), Cooperative Promotion Department (CPD), Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Kingdom of Thailand, and  Institute for the Development of Agriculture Cooperation in Asia (IDACA), Tokyo (Japan).  The Training Course was funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of the Government of Japan.  

The Training course was formally inaugurated by Dr. Kok Dansmaran, Chairman of CLT, on 26th February 2015 at the Conference Hall of CLT in the presence of Mr. Okamoto Koichi, First Secretary, Embassy of Japan in Thailand,  Mr.Panuwat Na nakornpanom, Director (Planning), CPD, Mr. Terunuma Hiroshi, Overseas Cooperative Development Consultant, IDACA, and  Mr. Nakorn Tangavirapat, Executive Director, CLT.  Mr. Balu Iyer, Regional Director, ICA-AP, too addressed the gathering over Skype from New Delhi.


There were 10 participants from 6 countries – Bhutan, Cambodia, Lao PDR,  Myanmar, Nepal, and Vietnam. The Training Course in Thailand was conducted at the Training Centre of CLT in Bangkok and Co-operative Technology Transfer Centre 5 of the CPD at Korat (Nakhon Ratchasima Province).  After completing the CLT/CPD Module in Thailand, the participants moved to the Institute for the Development of Agricultural Cooperation in Asia (IDACA) Japan on 16th March 2015.  They remained in Japan till 04th April.  

At the concluding session at IDACA on 3rd April 2015, Mr. Toshiyuki Shinada, Deputy Director of International Cooperation Division, MAFF,   Mr. Konno Masahiro, Executive Director, IDACA & Mr. A.K. Taneja, Project Coordinator, ICA-AP, addressed the participants.  Mr. Chandra Prasad Dhakal,  a participant from Nepal, presented a vote of thanks on behalf of all the participants. 

The Certificates of Participation from the ICA as well as from the IDACA were awarded to the participants at the end of the concluding session. Mr. Charles Gould, Director-General, ICA and Mr. Balu subramanian Iyer, the Regional Director, ICA-AP, signed the ICA Certificates of Participation and Mr Konno Masahiro, Executive Director of  IDACA, signed the IDACA Certificates.

After completing the IDACA part of the training program, the participants left Japan on 4th April 2015 for their respective home countries.

