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ASEAN Cooperative Business Forum workshop in Philippines



In recognition of the valuable role cooperatives play in building an inclusive and people centered economy, the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) in collaboration with partner cooperatives and institutions organized the 6th ASEAN Cooperative Business Forum (ACBF) from November 28 to December 01, 2016 in Manila, Philippines.


In his speech at the opening of the forum, CDA Chairperson Orlando Ravanera lauded the efforts of the delegates to come together to respond to the challenges of the ASEAN Economic Community, which officially began last year. “Cooperatives are the cutting edge for a sustainable future. They strongly advocate for sustainability specially on food sovereignty.  Now, we come together to explore intra-trading among the 300,000 agriculture co-ops in the ASEAN region.” 


The 6th ACBF forum provided a platform for the different organizations to discuss key challenges and opportunities confronting them in their effort to establish an economic community within the framework of Social Solidarity Economy. The gathering signed a declaration that commits to promote and advance agriculture, strongly advocate sustainable agricultural technologies and promote local industries towards sustainable livelihoods and conservation of natural resources.


Following the Forum, the attending farmer’s organizations/ groups led by WeEffect organized a Post ACBF CSO Forum on December 1 and 2.  The ICA-AP was invited to represent cooperatives sector at both the events by the respective organizers and present successful cooperative models from the region. Ms. Savitri Singh, Program Director of ICA-AP made presentations and explained ICA initiatives on building cooperatives as a sustainable business model. She also discussed in detail the operations of two co-op agriculture business models from the region i.e. NACF, Korea and JA Zenchu, Japan that could be replicated in other countries for enhancing agricultural business.