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ICA-AP with financial support from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Government of Japan and in partnership with the Institute for the Development of Agricultural Cooperation in Asia (IDACA) is conducting a Training Course on Capacity Building of Rural Women on their roles for vitalization of Rural Economy from 22 August to 14 September 2023, in Tokyo, Japan.

As part of the course, pre-recorded lecture videos have been prepared by IDACA to enhance knowledge of the role played by cooperatives and rural women in strengthening rural communities in Japan. This year, we are providing the opportunity for ICA member organizations to watch the videos to learn about the efforts of Japanese cooperatives and look at opportunities to apply the learnings to their work. 


There are 8 videos available for remote watching until 14 September 2023. The poster below has further details on the videos.




To watch the videos, one needs to register online using the QR code in the flyer or by sending an e-mail to IDACA at Please provide your name, organization, and country in the email. IDACA will send a URL to those who have successfully registered, to watch the videos. 


The videos can be watched anytime during the given period and an e-certificate will be provided by IDACA to those who watch all videos and submit the completed questionnaire. 


We request you to circulate this information and flyer within your network and encourage your members and staff to register and learn through these videos.  If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at: