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An Indian Delegation comprising Dr. Chandrapal Singh Yadav, ICA-AP President; Dr. Sudhir Mahajan, Chief Executive and Ms. Savitri Singh, Deputy Chief Executive, National Cooperative Union of India; and Dr. Sunil Kumar Singh, Vice Chairman, National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. (NAFED) visited Singapore on 3 December.

They visited the RunningHour cooperative at their flagship event 'Run for Inclusion' where they got to witness how the inclusive sport cooperative does good for the community.  

Run For Inclusion is a national event that aims to use mainstream sports as a platform to promote integration and nurture an inclusive Singapore. It is a non-competitive event where participants run alongside with over 600 persons with special needs who include visually, intellectually, hearing, or physically challenged runners. The event is a rallying call for all to come together and show their support towards integrating persons with special needs.


The Indian Delegation met representatives from Singapore National Cooperative Federation (SNCF) who apprised them about the Singapore cooperative movement. The delegation met Mr. John See Toh, RunningHour Chairman, who shared how the coop was set up and how Run For Inclusion event was started. Mr. Abdul Kalam Azad (S Gulam), Chairman of Singapore Statutory Boards Employees' Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society was also invited for the meeting with Dr. Yadav and other delegates. Dr. Yadav congratulated Mr. Azad on reaching the Centennial Celebration in 2025.