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We are pleased to announce that the International Labor Organization (ILO) will support one travel award to attend the 12th International Cooperative Alliance - Asia and Pacific Regional Cooperative Research Conference in Seoul, Republic of Korea, from November 11 to 12, 2017! We are grateful to the ILO for this generous support and encouragement to researchers in the Asia Pacific region.


The theme of the Conference is, Cooperatives: The key solution for Social Innovation (


The travel award for the best submission on a World of Work topic will cover the costs of travel (economy fare ticket and room and board for the duration of the conference). The choice of topics should be around the theme of the conference and around areas relating to co-operatives and labor laws (legislation, compliance, regulation, statistics), organization forms (trade unions, employers’ organizations), employment creation (decent work, youth, gender, value chains), transformation (formalizing workers in the informal economy,  enterprise restructuring and labor in transition economies), and social concerns (social protection, social dialogue, child labor, forced labor). 


The ILO would like to especially encourage submissions from the Global South, Arab States, and lesser represented countries in the research conference.  


All abstract should be sent by 28 July 2017 to Mr. Ashok Kumar Taneja, Secretary, ICA-AP Committee on Cooperative Research at A committee of eminent researchers will decide on papers to be presented from among the abstracts received and the travel grant awardees.


The ICA-AP Research Committee will award the Dr. Mauritz Bonow Young Researcher Award to two young researchers (not over 35 years of age), presenting their papers in the conference. The first prize will be for $500 and the second for $300.