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The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity. To achieve the SDGs, the world needs to leverage the full potential of all generations. Solidarity across generations is key for sustainable development as it can foster collaboration for successful and equitable intergenerational relations and partnerships to ensure that “no one is left behind.” The UN Secretary-General, Mr. Antonio Guterres recently put forward new recommendations on renewed intergenerational solidarity to address concerns of future generations and in tackling global issues, including in Our Common Agenda.  


The International Youth Day (IYD) 2022 focused on Intergenerational Solidarity: Creating a World for All Ages as its theme to highlight that the world needs to leverage the full potential of all generations.


Commemorating IYD, the ICA-AP Committee on Youth Cooperation (ICYC) organized a webinar on the sub-topic: Ageism in employment on 16th August. Speakers across the age spectrum shared their experiences and spoke about why young people should be encouraged to join the cooperative movement and opportunities for them in cooperative management/ leadership and the role of youth in cooperatives. The webinar aimed to amplify the message that action is needed across all generations to achieve the SDGs and leave no one behind.


The webinar was opened by Mr. Alireza Banaeifar, Chairperson, ICYC, who welcomed the participants and speakers. Mr. Balasubramanian Iyer, Regional Director, ICA-AP, in his opening remarks quoted that “care for the planet is not the responsibility of one generation or of one age group. Actions to address climate change, pandemic, poverty and inequality cuts across generations and across all age groups.  


Drs. Robby Tulus, Former ICA-AP Regional Director and senior cooperator while sharing his 55 years of cooperative experience said, “if anyone wants to be a true cooperator then you need to have passion and for having that passion, you need to have cooperative virus within yourself.”


Ms. Heira Hardiyanti, Co-Founder,, Indonesia, as a middle-aged speaker shared her experiences on getting mentorship from her seniors and said it is important for young people to be on right track. She shared that Drs. Tulus was her favorite mentor who taught her everything about the cooperative movement. Being a mentor herself, Heira works with young minds and connects them to the cooperative business model in Indonesia.


Mr. John Paul, a young cooperator and winner of the ICA Global Replication Project said that many   youth are not aware of the cooperative model, and there is a need for workshops and activities on capacity building to engage and interest youth.


Ms. Dulce Bustamante, Vice-Chairperson, ICYC moderated the webinar and Mr. Shree Padmanabhan, Secretary, ICYC delivered the vote of thanks.


The recording of the webinar is available on ICA-AP YouTube Channel.