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1. All Member-Organizations of International Co-operative Alliance,

Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ICA-AP);

2. The Permanent Secretaries, In-charge of Co-operatives;

Head/Chief of Co-operative Department in the Governments

in Asia-Pacific Region;

3. International Organizations/NGOs

Sub: Government – Cooperative Dialogue to Finalize Adoption of the Recommendations of 8th Ministers’ Conference on co-operative Legislation and Policy held in Kuala Lumpur in March 2007 -

June 1st, 2nd & 3rd, 2008 - Abu Dhabi & Dubai, UAE

It is once again with deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for all the relevant Ministries of the Governments in the Asia Pacific Region dealing with co-operatives and the co-operative movements in this region that I write to you all to convey the sentiments and happiness of ICA Asia Pacific family for your overwhelming participation in the 8th Ministers’ Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, almost an year ago.

ICA Asia Pacific is particularly appreciative of the initiative and support extended by the Government of Malaysia by hosting the conference at the most opportune time and in the right ambience yielding meaningful conferencing on the theme of the conference.

The deliberations at the conference have resulted in committing the governments to place co-operatives at the desired priority order and accordingly creating favorable policy environment and bringing proactive amendments in the legislation governing the functioning of the co-operatives.

As you all are aware, the conference had ended up with a declaration (sent to you soon thereafter) identifying the areas of common concerns before co-operatives in the Asia Pacific region.

Having carefully studied the contributions made by all the esteemed delegates to the conference, ICA Asia Pacific has drafted the set of recommendations of the conference (being attached) for kind perusal, consideration and response of all the heads of the governments dealing with co-operatives in the Asia Pacific region and the Chief Executives/leaders of the co-operatives in this part of the world.

In order to validate the recommendations of the 8th Ministers’ Conference and draw strategies and devise mechanisms to incorporate the recommendations in the development plans of the governments in the Asia Pacific region, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Government of UAE in collaboration with the ICA Asia Pacific will hold Consultative Dialogue between the governments and the co-operative movements in the Asia Pacific region on 1st, 2nd and 3rd of June 2008 in Abu Dhabi (UAE) along with a field trip to see the co-operatives in Dubai.

May I through this communication request you all to please reserve the above slot for your important participation. Details of the program, venue and the agenda will be sent to you by first week of April 2008.

Incidentally, the timing of the conference has been set keeping in mind your mandatory participation in special ICA General Assembly in Rome on 5th & 6th June 2008.

Anticipating your kind confirmation about your participation in the aforesaid dialogue and with profound co-operative greetings,

I remain,

Yours sincerely.

Shil Kwan Lee

Regional Director