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The ACDI Multipurpose Cooperative from the Philippines joined ICA in November 2023. They are an institutional cooperative serving members from the entire Armed Services of the Philippines (AFP) and other uniformed personnel, including active service, retirees, and civilian employees. Their primary services are savings and lending, and they also have a flying school, a tour agency, agriculture production and retail (dairy, rice, imports/exports), and insurance services. They are the largest cooperative in the country and were recognised as the Most Outstanding large cooperative by the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) of the Philippines. They have 138 offices across the Philippines. 


Another member from the Philippines, the Metro South Cooperative Bank (MSCB) has merged with two other banks and the new entity is now called One Cooperative Bank. One Cooperative Bank (One CB) is the largest cooperative bank in the Philippines. It is the result of the consolidation of three (3) cooperative banks, namely MSCB, Consolidated Cooperative Bank (CCB), and Bataan Cooperative Bank (BCB). Their direct members are primary cooperatives and individuals. They provide full banking, savings, financial and credit services for cooperatives and their members.