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Our heartfelt sympathies to cooperators and people of Nepal



The morning of April 25, a devastating magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck Nepal. Much of Kathmandu is reduced to rubble and survivors have little refuge from continued aftershocks. The death toll is climbing at an alarming rate as survivors struggle to dig through the rubble desperately trying to free loved ones and neighbors.


Our hearts go out to our brother and sister cooperators suffering from the recent earthquake in Nepal. We would like to extend our deepest sympathies to the bereaved and displaced families on behalf of ICA.


We are waiting to hear from our members about on-the-ground situation. We know it won’t be pretty and that the needs will be significant, with millions affected. The International Co-operative Alliance is launching an immediate appeal to assist in relief and to rebuild co-operatives in Nepal. You can send your contributions to the International Co-operative Alliance at:


Beneficiary account: ACI Solidarité

Bank address : KBC - Place Dailly 3 - 1030 Brussels – Belgium

IBAN: BE28 7340 3825 7920


Thank you for your valuable support!


Download the Alliance's appeal in PDF format.


For Medical Services

APHCO, the Asia-Pacific Health Co-operative Organisation calls to support the devastated regions with medicines and medical supplies, to be sent to Phect-NEPAL. Phect-NEPAL is an APHCO member, with hospitals and clinics in Kathmandu and Kirtipur, and which provides relief and medical services to an enormous amount of afflicted people. 

To continue medical services, medicines and medical supplies urgently needed. However, as the use of Kathmandu international airport is currently strictly limited, the only way to transport emergency supplies is over land. Through ICA-AP,  APHCO requests member organisations to send medicines and medical supplies directly to Phect-NEPAL by land transport.

Please find below the destination address for medical aid:

Public Health Concern Trust (phect-NEPAL)
Contact person: Mr. Suman Shuresth
GPO Box: 6064, Pradarshani Marg, Kathmandu
Phone: +977-4-222450, 4-232328, 4-240805 Fax: +977-4-256917