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The Philippine Cooperative Center is organizing 2022 National Cooperative Business Congress (NCBC) with the theme ‘Cooperative Enterprise: The Catalyst for Change and Social Development’. This will be held on 28 and 29 November 2022 at NOVADECI Convention Center, Philippines.


The 2022 NCBC will bring together key and top financial pillar cooperatives, cooperators, and leaders to present and discuss their programs and practices that could help alleviate – if not solve – the ongoing and looming crises the country is or will be facing. More than an alternative, financial cooperatives will be presented as agents of paradigm and systemic change in this Business Congress. While financial cooperatives are key to the event, the cooperative sector is not a vacuum. The only way for cooperatives to properly service the community is through cooperation among cooperatives. As such, other pillars are also integral to this Business Congress. It will aim to:


  • Promote Financial programs, best practices, business undertakings, and roles
  • Address and discuss the current crises and challenges of the country (Food, Health, Energy, and Public Transportation, among others).
  • Create an avenue for discussion of the ongoing crises
  • Link up the Cooperative Sector with other institutions to help solve crises and other economic and social issues


More details can be found here.

