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  Oct 15, 2010

The ICA/iCOOP Korea Workshop on Development of Consumer Cooperatives in Asia was held on 30-31 August 2010 at Seoul, Republic of Korea. About 120 cooperators from 5 countries attended the two-day workshop.

At the beginning of the workshop Ms. Jeong-Joo Lee, Chairperson of the iCOOP Association of Consumer Co-operatives delivered a welcoming speech followed by congratulatory addresses by Ms. Sun-Sook Park, a lawmaker of the National Assembly of the Republic Korea and Mr. In-Ok Son, Vice Chairperson of the Korea Fair Trade Commission. At the last, Dr. Chan-Ho Choi, Regional Director of the ICA-AP, made a special speech on “promotion of ethical consumption and fair trade in Asia-Pacific region”.

Following the opening session, Mr. Byung-Ho Jeong, President of the iCOOP Consumers' Cooperative Institute, delivered the keynote address on “consumer co-op movement in Korea and its future prospects”. Based on his keynote address, six co-operative leaders from Korea, Japan, Vietnam, India and Sri Lanka gave the suggestive presentations and lead the panel discussions on “current state and challenges facing consumer co-ops in Asia”, “strategy of strengthening co-operative sector amid fierce global competition” and ”cooperation between consumer co-ops and local communities”.

After the plenary session, all the participants discussed “the challenges, goals and strategies of consumer co-ops in Korea and Asia”. The participants reaffirmed the importance of cooperation among consumer co-operatives in Asia and the Pacific region and pledged to further develop inter-cooperative trade and the Fair Trade through exchange programs and study visits organized by the ICA-AP, and to explore the possibility of joint venture among ICA member organizations.

Finally, Ms. Bok-Su Sin, Chairperson of the iCOOP Solidarity of Consumer Co-operatives, and Mr. Haruyoshi Amano, Chairperson of the ICA Committee on Consumer Cooperation for Asia and the Pacific, wrapped up the 1st day of the workshop.

On the 2nd day, the participants visited Gun-Po Natural Dream store and the Central Distribution Center operated by iCOOP KOREA. The participants were impressed by the store opened last year and operated by members and for members.