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The ICA-AP Committee on Women organised the 11th Asia and Pacific Regional Women’s Forum in conjunction with the 33rd ICA Congress on 29 November 2021. It served as a timely platform to discuss why the Cooperative Identity matters to women. 


The identity of women cooperators is embedded within a wide range of social, economic, cultural, political, and religious contexts, which shape and influence their identity and position in society. The Cooperative Identity rooted in principles and values offers women the opportunity to organise themselves to realise their common economic, social and cultural needs irrespective of their diverse backgrounds and contexts.


The forum deliberated on how the Cooperative Identity positively impacts women cooperative members from diverse backgrounds; issues and challenges experienced by women in practising cooperative principles and values; and what can be done to further strengthen the positive impact. It  encouraged an exchange of views between cooperators on the impact of conflict and violence on women and sought their recommendations for the inclusion of peace and non-violence in the Statement of Cooperative Identity.


The committee has released a detailed report of the forum which can be found here.