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The Singapore National Cooperative Federation (SNCF) organised the Annual Cooperative Leaders’ Conference (ACLC) from 5 - 8 November in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah in Malaysia. ACLC saw cooperative leaders from Singapore congregating and sharing lessons so that cooperatives in Singapore can pivot better in the future.

This year’s theme "Becoming More Resilient"  emphasised how cooperatives have always overcome the odds to adapt and grow to overcome the challenges and hurdles that come their way.  It called upon cooperatives to future-proof and ready themselves for the challenges ahead and to better serve their members’ needs.

ACLC 2022 focused on salient topics across Cybersecurity and Crisis Communication and involved cooperative leaders to map out a shared vision of the cooperative movement. The participants opined that cybersecurity should be a priority concern for all organisations given that our lives now revolve around the internet. The participants agreed that having a crisis communication team, a practical handbook, or  putting in place simple measures can help organisations in the long run.

The conference also unveiled the new logo of the Singapore coop movement.


The two arrows in the new logo represent expansion, three colored circles represent coming together; red symbolizes leadership & proactiveness, orange encouragement & confidence, and green growth & stability! It aims at empowering communities to connect & collaborate.

Ms. Wily Wan, SNCF EXCO, said she loved the visual appeal of the new logo, “I appreciate the meaning behind the different elements of the logo: the arrows to signify growth and progress, the different coloured circles to signify various characteristics and values of the co-op movement, and finally the tagline which encapsulates, in two simple words, the very essence of what co-ops are about.”

Read the full conversation with some of the ACLC 2022 attendees here.