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A flooded area in Kalutara, Sri Lanka, on Friday. Credit Sri Lanka Air Force European Pressphoto Agency


The beginning of the monsoon season has not bode well for Sri Lanka. The Disaster Management Center of Sri Lanka reports that 202 people were confirmed dead, more than 77,000 displaced and over 1,500 homes destroyed since floods and mudslides after the worst torrential rains since 2003. According to the Sri Lanka Consumer Cooperatives Societies Federation Limited (COOPFED), many houses, factories, co-operative outlets and belongings of people have been destroyed, and  people left  stranded  in relief shelters. COOPFED and other ICA members in Sri Lanka have started providing relief and are planning for short and medium term support.


The Alliance has initiated an appeal to support our member’s efforts in Sri Lanka. Please send your donations to the following account:


Beneficiary account: ACI Solidarité
Bank address: KBC BRUSSELS - Place Dailly 3 - 1030 Brussels – Belgium
IBAN: BE28 7340 3825 7920
Important! Include this mention with your contribution:  SRI LANKA


We will discuss with our members and determine the best way to channel the support received.