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The 15th Annual Statutory Meeting of the ICA-AP Committee on Cooperatives in Educational Institutions (ICEI) was convened on 7 November 2023, in Manila, the Philippines. The meeting took place on the sidelines of the 16th ICA-AP Regional Assembly and saw 12 attendees from 7 countries actively participating in the discussion.


The ICEI, formerly known as the ICA-AP Committee on University/Campus Cooperatives, was established in 2008 during the ICA-AP Regional Assembly in Hanoi, Vietnam. Its primary objectives include promoting the development of cooperatives in educational institutions, such as universities, colleges, and high schools, with active participation from teachers, staff, and students. Additionally, ICEI aims to integrate youth into cooperatives, emphasising cooperative values, self-help, and mutuality.


The meeting was Chaired by Dr. Mohd. Azlan Yahya, Chairperson, ICEI representing ANGKASA, Malaysia and supported by Dr. Yashwantha Dongre, Vice Chancellor, Chanakya University, India, the Co-Secretary. The incoming Secretary-Designate of the ICEI, Mr. Ganesh Gopal, Lead-Entrepreneurship Development, ICA-AP was introduced by the Chair to the committee members. ICEI has 22 members from 13 countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Three new members from the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam joined the committee in 2023, signifying a growing interest and commitment to cooperative education in the region.


Prof. Dongre presented the report from the ICEI Secretariat and updated members about the activities undertaken by the committee since the previous statutory meeting. ICEI has been active in organising various activities including a seminar in partnership with the Shri Ram College of Commerce (University of Delhi, India) in December 2022. The seminar focused on 'Cooperative Business and Opportunities for Youth Entrepreneurship in Asia and Pacific,' aligning with the committee's mission. A webinar on World Teachers Day in October 2023, titled 'Teachers in the World of Cooperatives,' was organised to demonstrate ICEI's commitment to cooperative education. Additionally, online meetings, including office bearers' meetings, ICA-AP consultations with committees, and meetings with prospective members, have been instrumental in fostering collaboration and advancing the committee's objectives.





The strategic planning session at the meeting resulted in specific goals and strategies for the years 2024-2026. These include increasing membership, promoting digital technology adoption, addressing emerging needs of students and faculty, enhancing awareness among youth, and seeking funding opportunities. To achieve this goal, ICEI resolved to reach out to ICA AP members and interact with existing members to understand the status of cooperatives in educational institutions in their respective countries. Collaboration and encouragement to join forces with ICEI will be pivotal in achieving this goal.


Understanding the current status and potential for digital technology adoption in educational cooperatives was identified as a focus area. Therefore, advocacy and training initiatives are to be employed to promote the use of digital technology within these cooperatives.


For the upcoming year, the ICEI aims to conduct advocacy with relevant stakeholders, including governments and apex cooperative organisations and to raise awareness among youth. Workshops on Cooperative Identity and engagement with youth on topical issues will be organised to boost the cooperative image.


Identifying activities that require funding and reaching out to ICA member organisations for support or exploring partnerships for rolling out newer initiatives of ICEI in the upcoming years was also discussed. As part of the activity plan and calendar for the year 2024, the committee discussed a proposal to hold the statutory meeting, field visit and workshop in Thailand to be hosted by the country’s cooperative apex and ICA-AP member organisation, the Cooperative League of Thailand (CLT), in Bangkok.


With a robust strategy plan for 2024-2026 and a dedicated team of office bearers, the ICEI is uniquely positioned and committed to making lasting contributions to the development of cooperatives in educational institutions, creating a positive impact on the lives of students, faculty, and communities across the region.