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Workshop for setting up University/Campus Co-operatives in Iran, 5-6 May, 2008

A workshop was organized in Tehran, Iran, for setting up University/Campus co-operatives in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

A total of 186 delegates, students, co-operative leaders and representatives from the Ministries of Co-operatives and Higher Education, attended the workshop. The delegates came from all the 31 provinces of Iran.

The Minister for Co-operatives inaugurated the Conference, with Deputy Ministers of Co-operatives, Deputy Minister for Higher Education, faculty of various universities, co-operative leaders and representatives from the various ministries attended the conference.

Dr. Y. Dongre, Professor of Economics and Commerce, of the University of Mysore, India, Mr. Rajiv ID Mehta, Director-Development, ICA-AP, Mr. P. Nair, Communication and Programme Officer, ICA-AP, Mr. Mohd. Reza Ramezani, Secretary General of Iran Central Chamber of Co-operatives, Eng. Alavi,Dr. Hosseini Nia, Dr. Samari, Mr. Babak Lalfarm, Dr. Yahoo Ghadledgi and Dr. Azizollah Tajiv Esmal’eeli, presented papers at the workshop. Dr. T. Pranjothi, Secretary General of National Council for Co-oprative Training, India, had also sent a presentation, which was circulated amongst the delegates. A report from the National Federation of University Co-operative Associations of Japan was also circulated and a video presentation was made. A message from Dr. Kokichi Shoji, Chairperson of the ICA Consumer Sub-Committee on University/Campus co-operatives, was read out by P. Nair on his behalf.

Both Mr. Mehta and Mr. Nair mentioned that Mr. Shil Kwan Lee, the ICA Regional Director for Asia-Pacific was keen about the developments in Iran and sends his best wishes for the endeavour.

While Dr. Dongre explained the practical aspects of setting up university/campus co-operatives and the ways to overcome difficulties, Mr. Nair explained about what the ICA-AP has been doing in promoting university/campus co-operatives in the region. He also explained about the situation of university co-operatives in various countries of the Region.

The delegates paid great attention to the deliberations and there were very good interaction between the presenters and the delegates.

The Ministry, in their presentation, envisaged that at least 4 university co-operatives will be set up in each of the 31 provinces of Iran, totaling to 124 university co-operatives, within the year. The Ministry also mentioned the road-map to achieve this target. The Ministry has offered to provide seed money, through ministerial support and through loans from banks, infrastructure facilities, like free space and other facilities, by the universities concerned and also offered to consider reducing the working hours of the faculty involved so that they can devote more time to the work of the university co-operatives. It was proposed that at least 2/3rd of the members of the co-operatives will be students, and giving them proper representation in the board of management.

The university/campus co-operatives could conduct consumer activities, service facilities and social services to the society also.

After the workshop, the ICA team also could interact with leaders of the various sectors of co-operatives, who were very positive in supporting university co-operative activities in Iran. The current leadership, the government and others feel that this would be an ideal way to cultivate future co-operative leaders in Iran. The students will get ample opportunity to excel in entrepreneurship and management of co-operative organizations, while studying the business operations on the basis of the seven ICA approved co-operative values.

The workshop concluded with emphasize on the offer of the government and also detailed discussion on the future course of action.

The workshop was a grand success and we at the ICA hope that this would pave way to setting up university co-operatives in several universities in all provinces of Iran.

The workshop was organized by the Iran Central Chamber of Co-operatives with the support of other ICA member organizations in Iran and the Ministries of Co-operatives and Higher Education. Mr. Mohd. Reza Ramezani and Mr. Mohd. Geramipour where involved deeply in the organization of this event.

-P. Nair