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The World Co-operative Monitor, published by the International Co-operative Alliance in conjunction with our scientific partner, Euricse, has become the premier source of annual data on the size of the co-operative economy. It has become a crucial resource for raising the co-operative profile and impact with policymakers, industry professionals and the public at large. It is also an important tool for researchers around the globe. We are reaching out to co-operatives of all sizes, across sectors and regions to expand the coverage of the database. Please take the short amount of time needed to enter your co-operative's details for the 2017 edition of the Monitor. Federations and supporters of co-operatives are encouraged to mobilise the co-operatives in their membership and network to complete the survey. The 2017 survey is available in many different languages online:


The findings from the World Co-operative Monitor, which will include a special section on impact of the co-operative movement in South East Asia, will be presented at the Alliance conference in Malaysia in November.


If you wish to receive the survey by email or an excel sheet to input data on many co-operatives, please contact Ilana Gotz at