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Latest News at ICA-AP

    The Kapiti Biodiesel Cooperative team   The Kapiti Biodiesel Cooperative is a team of talented people preparing biodiesel from the waste cooking businesses on the Kapiti Coast, New Zealand. They want to change the way  fuel is produced as they care about...
  Article written by: Mr. Yohanes Rumpak, CEO of KELING KUMANG GROUP   Development Innovation is inevitable this day and age. Keling Kumang Group (KKG), encouraged by a presentation of Dr. Kiriwandeniya in February 2017, decided to undertake an exchange...
    Mr. Efren M. Bravo   Mr Efren M. Bravo has been elected as the new Chairperson of the National Confederation of Cooperatives (NATCCO Network), replacing Mr. Adolfo Ibanez. Mr. Bravo is  a seasoned leader in the Philippines, having sat in various...
          As part of the ICA Global Conference to be held between 14-16 November in Kuala Lumpur, there will be a specific session on trade. Titled Co-op to co-op trade: Taking existing achievements to scale, it will take place on November 15 from 11:00-12:...
                  At the Maktab Koperasi Cooperative in Malaysia.   A preparatory meeting for ICA-JAPAN Training Course on “Fostering and Improving Management of Agricultural Cooperatives in Africa” was held at the office of the Cooperative College of...
  Organizing farmers and strengthening marketing activities of farmers organisations is essential for ensuring sound development of agriculture and activation of rural economies. The first ICA - Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) Japan...
    What is Co-op Mic?   ‘Co-op mic’ stems from the universal idea of an open-mic that has attracted people to come forward to voice their thoughts and opinions on various topics and themes, in an open and voluntary fashion. Co-op Mic as the name suggests,...
                             CO-OPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT MEETING October 25-26, 2017 – Ulan Bator, Mongolia Engaging co-operatives in contributing to the UN Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development Goals SDG focus: 1 - No Poverty | 2 - Zero Hunger | 3 - Good...
