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Latest News at ICA-AP

      Taking forward our initiative on social media, Coops Speak, we had with Ms. Adleen Karajah, Executive Director of the Palestinian Agricultural Co-operative Union (PACU) join us on September 27. She took questions on Palestinian co-operatives’ role in...
  CICOPA, the international organisation of industrial and service co-operatives, published its second global report on “Co-operatives and Employment”. Based on data from 156 countries, the updated estimate shows that employment in or within the scope of co-...
  This event was scheduled for December 4-8 in China this year. However, during the same period our office will be participating in a Result Oriented Monitoring review for the ICA-EU partnership project. The event has been postponed, and we will keep you...
  The Second Forestry Committee Meeting to be held on October 20, 2017, has been postponed till the next Regional Assembly in Iran in 2018. Tensions have been rising in the Korean Peninsula between North Korea and South Korea and the impact of which are being...
    ICA-AP welcomes its brand-new member, the Union of Labour Service Co-operative (ULSC), from the Philippines. With the inclusion of ULSC, the total number of members of ICA-AP stands at 96 from 30 countries. ULSC was registered with the Co-operative...
    Iranian Co-operative Day, an annual celebration of the country’s co-operative movement is observed on the 4th of September since 1991 by the Islamic Consultative Assembly. On this date, the Iranian Parliament adopted the Act for regulating the co-...
  In order to enhance Uganda’s financial inclusion, especially to promote VSLA (Village Savings and Loan Association) to higher levels, KFCC organized a 11-day training workshop from 21st to 31st August 2017 to eight Ugandan delegates. The program consisted...
    The National Co-operative Union of India (NCUI) organized a symposium on ‘Co-operatives and SDGs: Members’ Participation’ on 20th September at the NCUI premises. The event was attended by members of NCUI as well as ICA-AP staff and a group of young...
