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Latest News at ICA-AP

        ICA-AP in collaboration with Access Livelihood Consulting (India) organised a Consultation on Autonomy & Independence of Co-operatives on September 14-15 at Administrative Staff College of India's (ASCI) College Park campus in Hyderabad, Telangana...
    The ‘ASEAN Co-operative Development Meeting’(CDM) was organized by the ICA-EU Partnership on Co-operatives in Development: People Centered Businesses in Action (#Coops4Dev), along with the co-operative movement in the Philippines represented through the...
    The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Government of Japan has chosen the International Cooperative Alliance to implement an umbrella Project on “Capacity Building in Agricultural Sector in Asia and Africa” for three years starting...
    The 17th ICA Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on “Management of Consumer Co-operatives” was held in Singapore from 25th to 27th July. The workshop was organized under the aegis of the ICA-AP Consumer Committee and hosted by NTUC Fairprice (Singapore). 19 co...
  The ICA-AP-DAMC Training of Trainers program on “Building Management Capacity of Women for Co-operative Development” was held from 1-5 August 2017 in Thimphu, Bhutan. The 5-day program had a combination of lectures, hands-on exercises and study visit to...
Co-operative Summit in Cagyan de Ora   Around 450 co-operators gathered at the Grand Caprice Hotel in Cagayan de Oro on August 25 to take part in the Mindanao Cooperative Summit. The five regions of Mindanao have within them around eight thousand co-...
        Photo credit:   The SANASA movement in Sri Lanka represents one of the best examples of how co-operative development through micro-finance can work wonders. As a matter of fact, the movement has been profoundly influenced by the...
      Mr. Toru Nakaya   JA-Zenchu (Central Union of Agricultural Co-operatives), the apex body of Japan's agricultural co-operative movement, appointed Mr. Toru Nakaya as its new President on 10th August during its General Assembly.   Mr. Nakaya, who was...
