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Latest News at ICA-AP

Co-operatives showcase unique, innovative approach to 2030 Agenda implementation    New York, Monday, 11 July 2016 – At a side event during the UN’s High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, the International Co-operative Alliance acknowledged...
    ICA staff members met in Brussels, Belgium to formally ‘kick-off’ the EU project on Co-operatives in Development from June 21-24.  The meeting was led by Coops Europe and represented by Alliance staff from its offices in Belgium, Costa Rica, India, Kenya...
  Co-operative enterprises commit to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals   At a high-level meeting with representatives of the United Nations, Ms. Monique Leroux, President of the International Cooperative Alliance, pledged the cooperative movement’s...
  16th ICA Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on “Management of Consumer Co-operatives,” Singapore   The 16th ICA Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on “Management of Consumer Co-operatives” was held in Singapore from 31st of May – 3rd of June 2016. The workshop was...
Angkasa, Malaysia delegates visit NACF, Korea to business collaboration. Trip report by Mr. Wonsick Ju, NACF Representative at Malaysia Business Office   12 delegates from Angkasa (Malaysia Cooperatives Movement) visited NACF (National Agriculture...
      Patient care workers meet in New Delhi on May Day   Waking up to the call of skilling India[1], a bunch of young workers employed in geriatric care in New Delhi, India, braved the soaring heat of May and met on what is globally recognised as the...
Engaging with the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC)   In order to strengthen cooperative institutions in the Asia Pacific region, ICA-AP is making efforts to engage with the regional entities such as  Association of South East Asian...
Enabling the Business of Agriculture Project- World Bank Study Team Visit to India   The World Bank Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) project, analyzes and monitors regulations that impact agriculture and produces indicators to inform and encourage...
