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Latest News at ICA-AP

    Thenhipalam Co-operative Rural Bank Limited becomes the first co-operative bank in India to launch an app for customers struggling with demonetisation.   While the co-operative banks across the country face an uncertain future following Reserve Bank of...
  The Regional Assembly elected a new board of committed leaders from across the Asia-Pacific region.  The leadership consists of Mr. Li Chunsheng, Vice President, All China Federation of Supply & Marketing Co-operatives, China as Chairperson; Dr....
    A big thank you to the over 600 cooperators from India and the Asia Pacific region who attended the 12th Regional Assembly, 9th Cooperative Forum and related events from November 15 to 19, 2016 in New Delhi! The Assembly adopted several resolutions...
The ICA/EU Partnership program on co-operatives in development, organized the Asia Pacific workshop on Industrial and Service Co-operatives during the 12th Regional Assembly in New Delhi. The workshop was a follow-up to the Stakeholders Meeting on Collective...
Dr. Mauritz Bonow, President of ICA (1962-1975) was a strong advocate of co-operatives and was responsible for the development of Co-operative Movement throughout the world and particularly in developing countries. Dr. Bonow was a strong advocate of education...
    On 16 November, the NCUI and the ICA-AP Committee on University/Campus Co-operatives (University Committee) jointly organized a knowledge sharing workshop on University/Campus Co-operatives in SAARC nations. The theme was, “positioning campus co-...
In a globalized society, “Supply Chains” are spread worldwide and involve a complex web of locations and people.  While it is believed to be effective for economic development, the negative issues relate to oppressive labor conditions, child labor, and...
The Regional Assembly showed its solidarity with the Japanese co-operative movement by adopting the following resolution - “We, cooperators participating in the 12th Regional Assembly of the International Cooperative Alliance Asia and Pacific in New Delhi on...
